Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

APS Mitchell

MeetingsContacts & MembershipNewsletters

Meets at 7.30pm on the third Monday of the month, February to November, unless otherwise advised.

Entry $2.00 Gold Coin

  • Guest Speaker
  • Door Prizes
  • Plant Sales
  • Fertilizer Sales (APS Mitchell Slow Release fertiliser $5.00 per 500g)
  • Use of the APS Mitchell free Library (See Pauline)
  • Supper & Chat


Members & Visitors are encouraged to bring along exhibits for our “Show & Tell” Flower Specimen Table; Please label plants

Venue: the John Taylor Room, Kilmore Library, 12 Sydney Rd, Kilmore. Google map link

Upcoming events for Mitchell

Membership page – to join or renew

President: Norbert Ryan

Secretary: Ian Julian

0438 270 248

395 Camerons Creek Road, Sugarloaf Creek 3658

Send email


Also refer to the Mitchell website

Feb 24February & general meeting information; November meeting & AGM Report; President’s Report 2023; Treasurer’s Report 2023; Dianella amoena; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…
Nov 23Christmas celebration & general meeting information; Membership; September meeting report– Native Bees; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…; Committee & Contact Information; Local native plant nurseries; Gardens for Life … ; Online Renewal Enrolment information
Oct 23October & general meeting information; Membership; August meeting report– Garden visit to Anne &
Norman Rose’s; APS Mitchell Spring Plant Expo & Sale Help Needed…; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…; Committee & Contact Information
Sep 23September & general meeting information; Membership; July meeting report–Garden visit to Eremophila Park; APS Mitchell Spring Plant Expo & Sale; Help Needed…; Wildflower Walk invitation; Online Renewal & Enrolment information
Jul 23July & general meeting information; June meeting report–Local understorey species for garden cultivation; Save the date: APS Mitchell Spring Plant Expo & Sale; Online Renewal & Enrolment information
Jun 23Membership; May meeting report–Eremophila: 2022 Field trips to QLD, NT & WA; Save the date: APS Mitchell Spring Plant Expo & Sale; Online Renewal & Enrolment information
Apr 23April meeting details; Membership; February meeting report– Hidden Valley Railway Reserve; March meeting report- WA Wildflowers Norseman to Lake King
Feb-Mar 23Vale Danielle Hickford; March meeting details; Gardens for Wildlife news; Spotlight on Xerochrysum viscosum; November 2022 Meeting report; President’s Report 2022; Treasurer’s Report
Nov 22Spotlight on Prostanthera lasianthos; High Camp Floral Reserve Guided Walk; October Meeting report; A Walk on Mount Disappointment …
Sep 22Gardens for Wildlife news – Grevillea; September meeting details; Membership; Gardens for Wildlife diary dates – Garden visit September 18th & Reserve visit October; August garden visit report; Native plants as local environmental weeds; Spring Plant Expo
Aug 22Gardens for Wildlife news; August Meeting – Garden Visit to Brian & Lorraine Weir’s in Wallan; Membership; Gardens for Wildlife invitation; Flowering in June continued…; Spring Plant Expo; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…; Committee & Contact Information; Local native plant nurseries; APS Maroondah gardens in OGV
Jul 22Gardens for Wildlife news; August Meeting – Garden Visit to Brian & Lorraine Weir’s in Wallan; Membership; June meeting report – Flowering in June; Eucalyptus grandis; Spring Plant Expo; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…; Committee & Contact Information; Local native plant nurseries; APS Maroondah gardens in OGVAPS Mitchell Newsletter 2023-02to03Gardens for Wildlife news; August Meeting – Garden Visit to Brian & Lorraine Weir’s in Wallan; Membership; June meeting report – Flowering in June; Eucalyptus grandis; Spring Plant Expo; Reminders, APS Vic Diary Dates etc.…; Committee & Contact Information; Local native plant nurseries; APS Maroondah gardens in OGV
May 22Autumn orchids around Beechworth video; Kangaroo Grass (Themeda triandra); preview of May talk with Melissa Stagg; Hidden Valley Railway Reserve; Growing at Ironstone Park part 3
Apr 22Kennedia prostrata Running Postman; March meeting report – Fabaceae – Pea-flowers; Growing at Ironstone Park part 2
Mar 22Vale Francis Donovan; Acacia gunnii Ploughshare Wattle; G4W at the Lancefield Market; Feb Wattle Gum Forest Farm garden visit; Growing at Ironstone Park part 1
Feb 22G4W for Macedon Ranges; November meeting report – Alpine flora; President’s & Treasurer’s Reports 2021
Nov 21G4W – Frog-id week; AGM nomination form; Flowering around Wallan, Kilmore & Broadford; Acacia convenyi Blue Bush; Grevillea excelsior Flame Grevillea
Oct 21Wildflowers in the forest; Funding an Orchid lab, & other news; “Wildlife of the Box-Ironbark Country”, Chris Tzaros; first time lab germination of Pterostylis oreophila; Four local peas flowering now: Daviesia leptophylla, Daviesia latifolia, Dillwynia cinerascens and Bossiaea prostrata; Mitchell Shire Council’s Compost Bin and Worm Farm subsidy
Sep 21G4W & Sustainable Farms webinar; Flowering in winter at Quarry Ridge; Flowering in August at Colin Officer Reserve; Hovea heterophylla Common Hovea; A persistent and irritant garden weed Euphorbia peplus Petty Spurge, Milkweed; Neutrog online ordering; Mapping Hero Trees in Heathcote region
Aug 21Wattle Day – September 1st; Flowering in late winter locally, on the road & other info; Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act Threatened List; Dillwynia cinerascens Grey Parrot-pea; Growing Eremophila is here; Eremophila waitii Silky Lavender; Mapping Hero Trees in the Heathcote region
Jul 21Weed watch: Ulex europaeus Gorse; G4W: Hackelia suaveolens Sweet Hound’s-tongue; Thesis on introduced Iridaceae; Growing Eremophila Book Update; Mapping Hero Trees in Heathcote region; Saving the threatened Audas Spider-orchid (Caladenia audasii) from extinction; Saving the Brilliant Sun Orchid (Thelymitra mackibbinii) from extinction; COVID Safe Plan For APS Mitchell Group
Jun 21May meeting report – Searching for Spider Orchids; Brachyscome species; Mitchell Shire Council COVID-19 Safety Plan; Membership form
May 21G4W & Birds in Backyards Autumn Survey; April meeting report – Lesser known plants for the garden by Royce Raleigh; Local Xerochrysum species
Apr 21G4W & Autumn Wild Pollinator Count; Apr mtg and Royce & Jeanne Raleigh on: “Lesser Known Plants for the Garden”; March meeting report – Top End Grevillea; President’s Report 2020; Little Desert Nature Lodge
Mar 21G4W & Gardening Australia; A small garden project, Jeanine; Atriplex semibaccata Creeping or Berry Saltbush
Feb 21G4W & Water hyacinth; Landcare & roadside vegetation; Conservation early last century
Nov 20iNaturalist feedback; new G4W coordinator; Oct-Nov garden & nature snapshots; Weed Warning – Disa bracteata Sth African Weed Orchid; Wild Pollinator Count
Oct 20Sep –Oct garden & nature snapshots; Tree Violet –Melicytus dentatus; Weed Watch – Sweet Vernal Grass; Backyard Bird Count; FJC Rogers
Sep 20Rare & endangered species on Monument Hill; Garden snapshots; Tricoryne elatior Yellow Rush-lily; A thankyou message from WAMA; WAMA presents Nature Nurturing Art; Friends of the Botanic Gardens online exhibition
Aug 20G4W & Slime Mould; Garden snapshots; September 1st is Wattle Day
Jul 20Richard Thomson OA; Garden snapshots from Jo Liddy, Dawn McCormack and Gary Van Arkadie; Red Ironbark Eucalyptus sideroxylon and Eucalyptus tricarpa; The WOW (Wild Orchid Watch) app is ready
Jun 20‘The Ground Storey’ booklet; Memberships due; Garden snapshots; Wallaby Grass & Cypresses; iNaturalist; WAMA Donation Drive
May 20Pea Flower Study Group; G4W & the Red Gum Ghost Moth; Autumn garden snapshots; Local Gums in bud now
Apr 20Meetings postponed until further notice; Mar meeting report– Plan B: expanded flower table; Cuttings from a specimen table .. preserving specimens prior to dealing with them
Mar 20Feb Meeting Report– Flora & history of Monument Hill; Wahlenbergia species
Feb 20Landscaping ideas for bushfire-prone areas; November Meeting Report– AGM & WAMA; Eremophila collection & nursery
Nov 19October Meeting (the Petts in WA) & Expo Report; Chocolate & Vanilla Lilies; AGM nomination form
Oct 19Expo & Plant Sale help wanted; Sep Meeting Report – Wilsons Prom Flora; Ricinocarpos megalocarpus
Sep 19The Kilmore Creek Master Plan; preview of Sep meeting: Geoff Lay on the Flora of Wilson’s Promontory; Aug Meeting Report – Prostanthera & Allied Genera; Wattle Time; Eucalypts of Western Australia The South-West Coast and Ranges, by Dean Nicolle & Malcolm French
Aug 19Flower ID brochures from APS Alice Springs; preview of Aug meeting & Miriam Ford; July Meeting Report – Garden visit to Wattle Gum Forest Farm; Prostanthera scutellarioides; Eucalyptus dives Broad-leaved Peppermint
Jul 19Jun Meeting Report – Biolinks Alliance; Hibbertia; Eucalyptus camaldulensis River Red Gum; invitation to visit “The Gannawarra”
Jun 19Ideas for APS Mitchell 10th Anniversary; preview of Jun meeting: Dr Sophie Bickford on the Biolinks Alliance and its programs; May Meeting Report – Local Wildflowers; Eucalyptus polyanthemos Red Box; Membership form
May 19May meeting preview: David Laurie on collection and propagation of local native seed; review of Apr meeting: Peter
Broughton on rare and unusual native plants & changes in the nursery industry; Hibiscus heterophyllus Rosella, Native Sorrel; 2020 membership form
Apr 19Call for new G4W Coordinator; preview of Apr meeting – Peter Broughton on rare and unusual native plants; March Meeting Report…Boronia megastigma & its essential oil; Wild Pollinator Count Tally Sheet
Mar 19February Meeting Report… Cathy Powers on Lepidoptera – Moths & Butterflies & Mike Williams on Asteraceae – the daisy family; Acacia melanoxylon – Blackwood
Feb 19Preview of Feb talk: Cathy Powers: “Lepidoptera: Moths and Butterflies”; Nov Meeting Report…Spiders Around the Garden; 2018 Chairperson report; Treasurer’s report; 2018 Gardens for Wildlife report
Nov 18new publication ‘Habitat’, about wildlife friendly gardening; preview of Nov talk: Glenn James “Spidentfy”; Oct Meeting Report: Ron Litjens on Faunascaping Your Garden; Eucalyptus melliodora Yellow Box; Expo 2018 Report; AGM nomination form
Oct 18Spring Plant Expo – helpers & specimens needed; Sep Meeting Report…Small Wattles by Bill Aitchison; Singapore Gardens by the Bay, Ian Julian
Sep 18Spring Plant Expo – helpers & specimens needed; Gardens for Wildlife news; August Meeting Report…Melton Botanic Garden Visit; Eucalyptus ovata – Swamp Gum
Aug 18Gardens for Wildlife news – July Wallan market; details of Aug Melton Botanic Garden excursion; memberships due; July Meeting Report…Supporting National Tree Day; Eucalyptus radiata Narrow-leaved Peppermint
Jul 18Gardens for Wildlife to visit Wallan Market in July; July excursion; Membership renewal fees due; June Meeting Report…Gardens for Wildlife Launch; Eucalyptus obliqua Messmates
Jun 18May Meeting Report – Melton Botanic Garden; Eucalyptus macrorhyncha Red Stringybark
May 18Hakea petiolaris (Sea-urchin Hakea); Hakea decurrens (Bushy Needlewood); April Meeting Report…Boabs & Bottle Trees; Grey Box: Poor flowering season 2018
Apr 18Nuts & seeds display for Annual Spring Plant Expos; Library news; preview of Apr meeting with Attila Kapitany on “Bottle Trees and Boabs – trees for our times”; review of Mar meeting and Cathy Olive on Gardens for Wildlife program & the Euroa
Arboretum; interest in a Garden for Wildlife program within the Mitchell Shire; Norbert Ryan on Eucalyptus goniocalyx (Long-leaved Box)
Mar 18preview of Mar meeting with Cathy Olive on Gardens for Wildlife program; review of Feb meeting and Jason Caruso on Eucalypts – includes examples of “Highly ornamental, heat & drought tolerant”, “Cold hardy, 650mm+ rainfall” & “Interesting oddities” – list of Places to visit and see many of the mentioned species; Norbert Ryan on Eucalyptus viminalis (manna gum)
Feb 18Website woes; Unusual longevity of cut flower – Melaleuca thyoides; preview of Feb meeting with Jason Caruso on Eucalypts; review of Nov AGM and Peter Mitchell on Grasses; 2017 President’s Report; Candlebarks and fire; weeds – Galium aparine “Sticky Weed”