14th FJC Rogers Seminar 2022,
on the Plant Sub-family Faboideae
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Registrations are now closed
“Fabulous Peas”
15th and 16th October 2022
York on Lilydale, Mount Evelyn, Victoria
The 14th FJC Rogers Seminar will be hosted by APS Maroondah on the subject “Fabulous Peas”. We will focus on plants from the Sub-family Faboideae, recognised by their typical pea-shaped flowers. There are about 1200 species within Australia and about 190 species in Victoria.
The venue for Saturday is York on Lilydale in Mt Evelyn and this is the departure point for Sunday’s garden bus tours. There is some accommodation available at this venue, as well as a lot of other options nearby. It is also very handy to Kuranga Native Nursery, which will stay open between the Saturday lectures and dinner, for you to buy plants or go to the cafe.
Peas have been chosen for this seminar because they are great plants! They are found throughout Australia so there will be peas to suit all garden conditions. A large number of genera provide plants with great variety. A rainbow of flower colours is seen – sometimes within the one flower. Some of the prostrate peas can form large mats and be quite vibrant, whilst some peas have much more subtle colours and forms. Another feature is their highly diverse foliage, or lack of it. Peas are pioneer plants. This means that most species are also fantastic at fixing nitrogen in the soil and hence are highly beneficial to all the plants in our gardens. Peas can be found in virtually every habitat, and range from herbs and shrubs to vines and trees. Another reason for choosing peas as the seminar topic is to expand the available information on this family.
The seminar will cover subjects including how to identify the major genera, how to propagate and how to grow pea plants. We hope choosing peas as the seminar topic may expand our knowledge and encourage us to find places for a few more peas in our gardens.
We will have a number of grafted Sturts Desert Peas as well as a range of other interesting pea plants for sale in the courtyard at the weekend. The popular book sales will also be there.On Sunday, our bus trip will visit beautiful gardens to the east of Melbourne, with an emphasis on the pea plants growing there. Please send expressions of interest to our email address
We look forward to catching up with you in October 2022.
Saturday 15th October 2022
- Registration, sign in and plant and book sales (see below)
- Welcome
- Introduction and identification presented by Marilyn Bull
- Morning tea
- Keynote address presented by Professor Mike Crisp
- Lunch
- Research presented by Dr Julie Ardley
- Propagation presented by Mandy Thomson
- Afternoon tea
- Horticulture/Cultivation presented by Royce Raleigh
- Peas in Art presented by John Thompson
- Close
- Pre-dinner
- Dinner (includes evening meal, tea & coffee; drinks can be purchased at the bar)
- Travelogue presented by Chris Clarke
- Close
Plant Sales
Members of APS Maroondah Inc are propagating as wide a variety of species of Faboideae as possible with the aim of greatly increasing the range in gardens.
Any remaining plants will be on sale at Karwarra Australian Botanic Garden on the Sunday.
There will also be a small supply of grafted Sturt’s Desert Peas.
Book Sales
A wide range of books, including some on peas, relating to Australian native plants will be available at below retail prices during the seminar on Saturday.
Sunday 16th October 2022
Sunday garden visits by coach: includes coach tour to all gardens, morning and afternoon teas, with lunch at either Maranoa Botanic Gardens or Karwarra Australian Native Botanic Garden. Places may be limited and preference will be given to people who also attend the Saturday Seminar.
Accommodation Suggestions
There is some accommodation available at our Saturday venue (York on Lilydale). A discount is available if you book online using the code shown below.
Nightcap at York on Lilydale
138 York Rd, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 (03) 9736 4000 (Google map link)
Book at yorkonlilydale.com.au; Discount Code: YORKEVENT22
Other accommodation within a short drive of the venue including the following:
Yarra Valley Motel
418-420 Main St, Lilydale VIC 3140 (03) 9735 3000 (Google map link)
Lilydale Motor Inn
474 Maroondah Hwy, Lilydale VIC 3140 (03) 9739 3900 (Google map link)
The Oaks Lilydale
500 Maroondah Hwy, Lilydale VIC 3140 0418 378 402 (Google map link)
Yarra Ranges Country Apartment
7 Aqueduct Ave, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 0419 582 410 (Google map link)
A Twist of Willow Bed and Breakfast
125 Clegg Rd, Mount Evelyn VIC 3796 (03) 9736 4338 (Google map link)
Lilydale Pine Hill Caravan Park
105 Warburton Hwy, Lilydale VIC 3140 (03) 9735 4577 (Google map link)
Edition | Contents |
May 22 | Prof. Mike Crisp; Dr Julie Ardley; Karwarra botanic art exhibition; Eutaxia microphylla var microphylla Common Eutaxia |
Feb 22 | Registrations now open; Royce Raleigh; Hovea elliptica Tree Hovea; Marilyn Bull; Jacksonia scoparia Dogwood; Gompholobium tomentosum Hairy Yellow Pea |
Nov 21 | Venue, garden visits & registrations; Our logo; Plant sales; Accommodation suggestions; Daviesia latifolia Hop Bitter-pea |