Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

APS Latrobe Valley

MeetingsContacts & MembershipNewsletters

Meetings normally held on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7:30pm.

Venue: TAFE Gippsland, Morwell Campus Google map link

Upcoming events for Latrobe Valley

Membership – join or renew

Leader: Jan Workman 0429 029 279

Secretary: Cathy Beamish

PO Box 112, Boolarra Vic 3870

Send email


Oct 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Acacia suaveolens; APS Vic Quarterly Meeting – Bendigo; Book Review – Metamorphosis; how insects are changing our world. Erica McAlister
Sep 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Pterostylis obtusa; Aerial layering -another way to propagate; Morwell National Park July meeting – Mike & Cathy Beamish
Aug 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Dockrillia linguiformis; Biology and Biochemistry; Unusual Fungus; Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden; Notice of Annual General Meeting
Jul 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Atractocarpus chartaceus; 5 – 6 June meeting at Sale Common; Jill’s Snippet – Brisbane’s Roma St Gardens
Jun 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Olearia phlogopappa; Membership Renewals; Gardens for Life – ANSPA Conference 2024; Jill’s Snippet – World Bee Day
May 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Petrophile squamata; Glen Nayook; Garden wildlife – the good, the bad, and the ugly?; Book Review – Guide to Native Orchids of Victoria. Gary N Backhouse
Apr 24Jill’s Snippet -Mathieson Park; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Correa reflexa var. reflexa ‘Buchan’; Cranbourne Botanic Garden – Mike and Cathy Beamish; ‘Cracking the Sads’ – summer garden woes – Daryl Radnall
Mar 24Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish Pterostylis coccina; Tarra Bulga National Park visit
Feb 24Leader’s Report – Jan Workman; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Boolarra weather 2023 – Mike Beamish; Spectacular at Loch Sport – Daryl Radnall
Jan 24Leader’s Report – Jan Workman; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; January Meeting Reminder and Mike’s Baw Baw photos from last year; Our Blackwood Adventures – Mike Beamish; Coming events of interest; Rainfall registration charts
Nov 23Leader’s Report – Jan Workman; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; APS Latrobe Valley Calendars; January Meeting Reminder – Mt Baw Baw Edski Lodge; A squatter in the spare room – Daryl Radnell; September meeting report – Jill Fidler; Latrobe Valley Group Events Calendar; A Spring welcome home – Daryl Radnell
Oct 23Vice-Leader’s Report – Jan Workman; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Coming events of interest; Book Review – Ian Fraser
Sep 23Vice-Leader’s Report – Jill Fidler; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; October Blackwood Trip; Justifying not weeding– Daryl Radnall
Aug 23Leader’s Report – Jill Fidler; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Western Australia – Wildflower delight – Helen Appleby; Coming events of interest.; Rainfall registration charts; Latrobe Valley Notice of Annual General Meeting
Jul 23Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; 2024 Calendar Submissions – Cathy Beamish; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; Coming events of interest; Rainfall registration charts; Notice of Annual General Meeting
Jun 23Plants in my Garden – Zieria prostrata; Book Review – The Road to Gondwana. In search of the lost supercontinent by Bill Morris
May 23Dendrobium kingianum Pink Rock Orchid; Coming group events for your consideration; April activity report
Apr 23Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Garden orchid surprise – Diane Aumann; Not just dying…falling over too – Daryl Radnall; Book Review – The Compact Australian Bird Guide – Ian Fraser
Mar 23Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Plants that have died in my garden – Daryl Radnall; Mt Baw Baw Non-Orchids (aka Critters) – Mike Beamish
Feb 23Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; And the rains fell in Boolarra – Mike Beamish; Summer on Mt Baw Baw – Col Jackson; Our Xanthorrhoeas – Wendy and Peter Cox
Dec 22Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; 2022 Calendar Spot -December – Judy Hetherington; Galivanting with orchids… – Mike Beamish; Gymea Lilies flowering in Churchill – Ray Hodges
Nov 22Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; 2022 Calendar Spot -November – Cathy Beamish; Rainfall registration charts; Gormandale Delights – Col Jackson
Oct 222022 Calendar Spot -January – Pamela Cox; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; Mt Cannibal Flora and Fauna Reserve; More Orchids on the verge
Aug 22Leader’s Report – Jill Fidler; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; White Woman’s Waterhole – Col Jackson; 2022 Calendar Spot -August – Pamela Cox; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; Coming events of interest.; Rainfall registration charts; Notice of Annual General Meeting
Jul 22Leader’s Report – Jill Fidler; Editor’s Notes – Col Jackson; Plants in my Garden – Mike Beamish; A possible Spring trip for our group?; APS Latrobe Valley Group Calendar; A beginners try at growing gums from seed – Heather Waddell; 2022 Calendar Spot -July – Col Jackson; Blue Rock Lake and the Wilkinson’s garden – Col Jackson; Coming events of interest.; Rainfall registration charts; Copy of APS Subscription form (if required)
Jun 22Correa glabra var. turnbullii Rock Correa; Melaleuca nesophila Showy Honey-myrtle; 2023 calendar photo submissions; Our move to Drouin; Doryanthes excelsor Gymea Lily
May 22Viola hederacea Ivy-leaved Violet; Book review – Wildlife of the Box-Ironbark Country by Chris Tzaros; Microseris Yam Daisy
Apr 22Correa lawrenceana Mountain Correa; Book review – Guide to Native Orchids of NSW and ACT Lachlan Copeland and Gary Backhouse; The Eel Hole Creek Walk
Mar 22Boronia crenulata Aniseed Boronia; Bell-fruited Mallee; Mathison Park in Churchill outing; book review: Australian Deserts; Ecology and Landscapes by Steve Morton
Feb 22Anigozanthos manglesii x flavidus; Spring/Summer Garden Disasters; The Lyrebird Walk, Mirboo North; The Vagaries of Boolarra Weather; Lantern Bushes of Australia
Dec 21Blechnum nudum Fishbone Water Fern; Loch Sport – Springtime fauna and flora
Nov 21Melaleuca lateritia Robin Redbreast Bush; Judy Stirrett’s Moe South Ramblings; Of bees and tea trees; Flowers and mozzies – fun at Loch Sport
Oct 21Pandorea jasminoides Bower Climber; Mistletoe – Friend or Foe?; The Victorian Desalination Plant; Traralgon Sth. FFR & Calignee State Forest; Nymphoides indica (Water Snowflakes) in the Kimberley; Col’s Bee Motel
Sep 21Polystichum proliferum Mother Shield Fern; “Going for Gold” – Wattles; Flash Walk – Uralla Nature Reserve
Aug 21Leader’s Report & Fred Rogers; Satin Bower Birds; Eremophila ‘Augusta Storm’ (E. glabra x E. veneta); The Bee Motel; Coastal Tea Tree – a sculpture beyond life; Eastern Water Dragon
Jun 21Cranbourne Botanic Gardens outing review; Lomatia myricoides River Lomatia; The Superb Lyrebird; Jun outing preview; Calendar Photo Competition; The Australian Inland Botanic Gardens
May 21Eucalyptus kitsoniana Gippsland Mallee; Eucalyptus of the Year Competition; Redgum Huggers; Lyrebirds: Nature’s Ecosystem Engineers
Apr 21Mar APS Vic quarterly weekend in Warrnambool; On native bees & pruning; Melaleuca teretifolia; The James Swan Reserve; Rokeby Crossover Rail Trail; Flying Duck orchid Caleana major; Eucalypt borer attack
Oct 20Parkville grassland restoration; Calendar photo spot; Hibiscus geranioides; Wattle we name them?; New life in ‘The Res’; And new life in the bush; Natives amongst the pines; Ramblings from Moe South; Stunning Hakeas
Aug 20Bruce Pascoe’s native flour; Solanum aviculare Kangaroo Apple; “A well-behaved vine” – Hibbertia dentata Trailing guinea flower; Judy Stirrett’s “Ramblings from Moe South”; Dendrobium speciosum The Rock Orchid; What is it: Rough or Smooth Tree-fern?; Ferns noted at Mount Worth State Park
Jul 20Eremophila macdonnellii; Tasmanian nursery dream, Jill Fidler; A sharing of flowers and ideas, Judy Stirrett; Xanthorrhoea australis after fire; Pink Rock-orchid: Dendrobium kingianum; Nestboxes
Jun 20Pauridia (syn. Hypoxis) vaginata Yellow Star; In the beginning … 1770 – Banksias; My Favourite Garden Location – John Stephens; Counting Cockies; Our new winter veggie garden – Judy Hetherington
May 20Petrophile teretifolia; Covid-19 and the autumn gardener’s lament; Cephalotus follicularis The Albany Pitcher Plant; Cashmere Drive POP-UP Café; The Curious Case of the Climbing Echidna
Apr 20Arthropodium milleflorum Pale Vanilla Lily; Keeping sane in physical isolation; Native plants for small gardens talk; The Red Man of Mildura
Mar 20Eremophila glabra ‘Steep Point’; Of droughts and flooding rain
Feb 20Report on Peppermint Ridge Farm at Tynong North; Gardening Australia segment on plane trees hosting mistletoe; Grevillea paradoxa; Granddaughters and Spring flowers – Mary Jackson .. and Lyrebirds at Jeeralang Junction
Dec 19Old Mill Site at Boolarra; Hibbertia procumbens Spreading Guinea Flower; 2020 Calendar photo spot – Butterfly Orchid, Caladenia lobata; Paper Daisies: colour by chance or design?
Nov 19Review of Celia Rosser gallery visit; Ornduffia reniformis Running Marsh-flower; South Australian Travels – Mike Beamish; LV Mine Rehabilitation Presentation; Hypocalymma angustifolium White Myrtle
Oct 19Review of Sep visit to Steve and Bri’s Gormandale garden; Arthropodium strictum Chocolate Lily; A Japanese Garden, Pamela Cox; Holey Plains State Park: Recovery after the fire
Sep 19AGM report; Prostanthera calycina Red Mintbush; Christmas Lunch at Peppermint Ridge Farm
Aug 19Review of July outing to Dot and Bob O’Neill’s garden; Caesia calliantha Blue Grass-lily; Eucalyptus erythrocorys Red-capped Mallee or Illyarrie; Notice of AGM
Jul 19Review of Hodges’ trip to Norfolk Island; Verticordia plumosa Plumed Featherflower; Bee motel from Col’s letterbox; Mike & Cathy in Canada
Jun 19Review of presentation by Judy and Brian Hetherington on seed dispersal; Prostanthera nivea Snowy Mintbush; Autumn Gardening at Moe South By Judy Stirrett; Propagating Succulents by Cuttings
May 19Beaufortia schaueri Pink Bottlebrush; Desert colour in Gippsland – Parakeelyas (Calandrinia spp.)
Apr 19August photo competition; Eucalyptus neglecta Omeo Gum; Tanjil South and Moe South Garden Visits; Wendy Cox’s scone & fruit loaf recipes
Mar 19West Gippsland Garden Visits – Cox, Hetherington and Pellachi gardens; Doryanthes excelsa Gymea, Flame, Giant or Illawarra Lily
Feb 19Dianella tasmanica Tasman Flax-lily; Summertime on the Wellington River
Dec 18Albany Pitcher Plant Cephalotus follicularis; Albany or Swamp Daisy Actinodium cunninghamii; White Cedar Melia azedarach; Dianella…a good hardy plant for dry locations; Prostanthera cuneata Alpine Mint Bush
Nov 18Mike Beamish and orchids of SW WA; Col Jackson travelling through the Simpson Desert; Hakea eriantha Tree Hakea; Svalbard Flora, Daryl Radnell
Oct 18Callistemon pallidus Lemon Bottlebrush; Springtime on the Wellington River – Mike Beamish
Sep 18Isopogon buxifolius; Pretty as a Picture – Epacris & Correa by Yvonne McInnes; AGM & leader’s report
Aug 18AGM agenda; Central Australia trip update by Col Jackson; Ozothamnus diosmifolius (Rice Flower); Cox’s Corner – Australian plants in Europe
Jul 18Calytrix tetragona Common Fringe-myrtle; Warty-fruited Hakea; Membership form
Jun 18Hakea salicifolia (Willow-leaved Hakea); What is the meaning of ‘prostrate’? – Banksia integrifolia
May 18Mike Beamish on Walkerville flora and Lasiopetalum discolor (Coast Velvet-bush); Col Jackson on Plectanthrus argentatus (Silver Spurflower)
Apr 18Mike Beamish on Baw Baw flora, Corowa concert and veggie patch; Libertia paniculata (Branching Grass-flag); Col Jackson & Pamela Cox and effect of dry spell on flora & flora; emerging dragonfly by Mary Jackson
Mar 18review of Diana and Hugh Droog’s property at Toora, Mt Baw Baw flora, Xanthorrhoea australis (Southern Grass Tree); Yea Wetlands excursion postponed until later in the year; Col Jackson on Eucalyptus caesia Silver Princess
Feb 18Mike Beamish & Col Jackson: Wellington River above Licola and high country orchids; veggie garden; Lasiopetalum macrophyllum (Shrubby Velvet Bush); Col Jackson’s propagating & potting shelter; Pamela Cox & Christmas at Fozigobbles