Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

APS Melton & Bacchus Marsh

MeetingsContacts & MembershipNewsletters

Meets at 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of the month (except July, December and January).

Venue: Botanica Springs Children’s and Community Centre at 249 Clarkes Road, Brookfield. Melton Google map link

Upcoming events for Melton & Bacchus Marsh

Membership page – to join or renew

President: Barb Pye
Secretary: Tez Birgin

Treasurer: Jen Eldridge

PO Box 946, Bacchus Marsh Vic 3340

Send email  

Membership Benefits
  1. It is a great way to share knowledge about Australian plants and using them in gardens.
  2. Regular group meetings provide members of the group and visitors an array of topics presented by guest speakers. Considering that nothing exists in isolation, some speakers cover topics not plant specific but rather nature related.
  3. APS Victoria conducts quarterly meetings and many are hosted by a District Group. During this event you get to meet and greet like-minded people as well as sharing garden visits.
  4. Every second year the ANPSA (our national body) hosts a conference and the years between is when APS Victoria hosts the FJC Rogers Seminar. The 2018 Seminar was hosted by the Wimmera and Grampians groups with the topic of Goodeniaceae.
  5. APS Victoria produces and provides every financial member a copy of their quarterly journal. The editorial team is always keen on contributions from members and if you are so inclined, please send your article to the editor.
  6. Books at reduced rates are available through the APS Victoria Book Sales.
Sharing Gardens

This is one of the perks members have and we are having a couple of visits to our own members’ gardens this year.
This is totally different from the ‘open gardens’ because the member’s garden is being shared with members of our group.
Courtesy dictates that if you are attending and have non-members with you, contact with the host is necessary to ascertain if that is acceptable.
Remember – we (APS Melton & Bacchus Marsh) are sharing the garden with one of our members and it is not open to everyone.
That in mind, if you have a prospective APS member it would be great to include them once the host has been notified.

We all look forward to seeing you at our meetings and garden visits.

Edition Contents
Jun 24
Nov 23
Sep 23
Jun 23
Apr 23
Jan 23
Oct 22
Aug 22
May 22Apr meeting: Neil Marriott on new species of Grevilleas
Summer 22Oct 21 AGM Reports; Melton Botanic Gardens Visit; Hakea Potting up
Autumn 20Visit to Jean and Alan’s garden; Correas at the Melton Botanic Garden; Hakeas for Sale; “Around the grounds”
Jan 20Photos wanted; Hakea potting up – in preparation for plant sale
Oct 19Monthly Meeting Recap – AGM & Photo Comp; financial report
Sep 19Preview of Sep AGM & photo comp; recap of Aug meeting: Chris Long on garden diversity; participating in the Bacchus Marsh Flower and Garden Show; helpful hints on hanging baskets
Aug 19Monthly Meeting Recap – Fabaceae; Next Meeting – AGM and Photo Comp; Bacchus Marsh Flower and Garden Show and entry of a Hanging Basket & Photography Exhibition
Jun 19Monthly Meeting Recap – Processes of Plant Pollination; Neutrog offer; Hanging Baskets & Photographs and the Bacchus
Marsh Flower and Garden Show; Growing Australian report – June 2019; call for committee nominations
May 19Plant Sale Report – 2019; Monthly Meeting Recap – Prostanthera and allied Genera; Next Meeting – Processes of Plant Pollination; Different Light – Australian Native Flower Photographs in Ultraviolet Light … an exhibition by David Oldfield; Photo Competition; Membership
Apr 19Plant sale Hakea species’ list; Monthly Meeting Recap – Landscape Management for Changing Climate; Next Meeting – Prostanthera and allied Genera; A Step Back in Time – Newsletter No 6, dating from Oct-Dec 1991: Getting Started… Growing from Seed
Mar 19Monthly Meeting Recap – Australian Oils; Next Meeting – Landscape Management for Changing Climate; A Step Back in Time: Climbing Plants – Adrian Mitchell; Change to Plant Sale Proposal
Feb 19Monthly Meeting Recap – Potting Up; Next Meeting – Oils; A Step Back in Time: Newsletter No 3 of The Melton Melaleuca – Ground Covers; Plant Profile – Hakea pycnoneura
Jan 19Monthly Meeting Recap – End of Year Breakup; Next Meeting – Potting Up Hakeas; A Step Back in Time: our group in the archives; Using and Understanding Plant Names By Syd Wheller; welcome new member Gary Clark
Nov 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Bullengarook Garden Visit; “Prima Donna” Elaeocarpus reticulatus ‘Pink Flowered Form’ (Blueberry Ash); Grevillea “Majestic”; Philotheca myoporoides “Ruby Cascade”; Callistemon salignus “Great Balls of Fire”
Oct 18Monthly Meeting Recap – AGM & Photo Comp; Carpobrotus glaucescens Pigface
Sep 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Geoff Lay’s Photographic Wanderings; next meeting AGM: call for Secretary; Casuarina glauca; Weekend excursion to Grampians flower show 6th/7th Oct
Aug 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Clouds; preview of Geoff Lay’s August talk; AGM and Photo Competition; Plant Sale – Hakeas; planned visit to Grampians flower show 6th/7th Oct
Jun 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Forensics and Nature; Next Meeting – Neil Humphreys on Oils; Sep Photo Competition; May Hakea plant sale
May 18Call for plant sale volunteers; Monthly Meeting Recap – Mothing; The remarkable flights of the Bogong Moth – Marilyn Hewish; Plant Sale – Hakea list; Plant Profile – Hakea “Stockdale Sensation”, Cathy Powers
Apr 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Birds, and how to attract their attention; Next Meeting – Mothing Night, Hopetoun Park; RHSV – Cate was a hit and a winner, Cathy Powers (‘Little Cate’ is a cultivar of Correa pulchella); Plant Profile – Rhododendron lochiae, Barb Pye
Mar 18Monthly Meeting Recap – Grafting Demonstration; Next Meeting – Chris Lindorff; Plant Profile – Goodenia amplexans (Clasping Goodenia), Cathy Powers; notice of change in August of meeting venue and date
Feb 18Monthly Meeting Recap – January Potting Up Hakeas; Next Meeting – Grafting Demonstration, Ash Lane; Plant Profile – Brachychiton populneus (Kurrajong Bottle Tree); Vale John Bradley
Nov 17Monthly Meeting Recap – October AGM Wrap-up; We’re on Facebook; next meeting End of Year function incorporating the photo competition;