Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

APS Wangaratta

MeetingsContacts & MembershipNewsletters

Meetings are held in the Masonic Lodge Hall (101 Appin Street, Wangaratta Google map link) @ 7pm on the 4th Thursday of months February to November, except for the month of July. Visitors are always welcome.

Outings  are held on a Saturday or Sunday following  each meeting.

Members are encouraged to bring along exhibits for the specimen table, which is a regular feature of each meeting.

Upcoming events for Wangaratta

For membership enquiries, please email
or to join or renew please use the following link: Membership page

President: John Van Riet   0428 129 007
Secretary: Pina Tiso  0409 602 885

Send email

Sep 24This month’s outing to Australian Botanic Gardens, Shepparton; August Outing report – Garden Design at 2 Bond Court; Wildflower Wandering – Isabel Young; President’s Annual Report; November program- Hosting the APSV Quarterly Weekend in Wangaratta; How to order seed from the APS Victoria Seedbank, & your Committee for 2024/2025
Aug 24Acacias for Everyone – Wattle Day celebrations and information; Next Meeting – Silent Auction & AGM; Nomination forms for Committee 2024/2025; Renewals of Membership – helpful information; Outing for Saturday 24th August – garden designing at 2 Bond Court
Jul 24Calendar of Events; Celebrating Wattle Day; From our June Meeting; Advance Notice of our August meeting – AGM & Silent Auction; Nomination form for APS Wangaratta Committee 2024/2025; Isobel’s Dyeing Day with Australian Plants; Membership Matters; Shows, Conferences, Plant Sales and Other Items of Interest – Nicky Zanen & Second-hand Books for Sale
Jun 24Celebrating Wattle Day – Stall & Demonstration; Acacia mitchellii; Exhibition in Bainz Gallery “Grasstrees to Wetlands”; Exhibition in WPAC – Helen Heywood –“Bloom”; From our May Meeting; Visit to Winton Wetlands in May; Upcoming Meeting & Workshop on Dyeing with Australian Native Plants –
Isabel Young; Advance Notice of our August meeting – AGM & Silent Auction; Neutrog Em ail listing;
Nomination form for office bearers and committee members; Membership Matters;Facebook Page & Consent Form; Your 2023/2024 Committee
May 24May Meeting – Sophie Enders – Gardens for Wildlife; Outing on Sunday 28th May – Visit to Winton Wetlands; From the April meeting; Neutrog Orders; Myrtle Rust; Acacia Flowers & Foliage; Photos from the Off Grid Living Festival; Launch of Gardens for Wildlife and Open Garden; Our Facebook Page – info, invitation for contributions; Facebook Page consent form & Your Committee; Birds and flowers – from the Gardens for Wildlife launch
Apr 24Calendar of Events; Next meeting – Winton Wetlands, Lisa Farnsworth; Off-Grid Living Festival Report; Launch of Gardens for Wildlife – Wangaratta; Report of Outing to Mt Beauty; Item of Interest – Nature Foundation purchase of old cattle farming property to protect endangered mallefowl; Our new Facebook Page – info, contributions; Facebook Page consent form
Mar 24Calendar of Events; Changes to log-in procedures for APS Victoria Website; Outing to Trish & John Gibbons’ garden at Tawonga South; Off-Grid Living Festival at Chiltern – plant stall & display; Launch of Gardens for Wildlife – Wangaratta; From the February meeting – Presentation by Andy Kimber & display table; From our February Garden Visit and BBQ @ Philippa & Neil Duggan’s garden; Shows, Conferences and Upcoming Events; Our new Facebook Page – info, contributions; Facebook Page consent form; Your Committee; Acacia phasmoides by Pina Tiso; Acacia buxifolia by Pina Tiso & Weaving Eucalypt Project – Wangaratta Art Gallery; Craft in the Spotlight – Retrospective on Annemieke Mein
Feb 24Changes to log-in procedures for APS Victoria Website; Next Meeting – Andy Kimber – Phytophthora cinnamomi; Outing to Philippa & Neil Duggan’s garden- Boweya; Eucalypt dye experiments in Australia 22nd March Wangaratta Art Gallery; Preview of June meeting and workshop – Dyeing using native plants; Off-Grid Living Festival plant stall; From our Christmas break-up; Advance information – club outing to Trish & John Gibbons @ Mt Beauty; Gardens for Wildlife – Launch – 21st April; Growling Grass Frog – Winton Wetlands
Nov 23Calendar of Events – Wangaratta; Changes to log-in procedures for APS Victoria Website; Next Meeting – Guest speakers “Desert Discovery” – Maree and Graham Goods; Shows, Conferences and other Items of Interest – APS Victoria; Next Outing details – Christmas break-up Celebration; From our October meeting; Acacias – a growing experience by Tina Piso; Propagating Day – 2nd December; Rare purple Banksia spinulosa – Article of Interest; Your Committee
Oct 23
Sep 23
Aug 23
Jul 23
Jun 23
May 23
Apr 23
Dec 22Meetings, Outings & Committee Meetings—Dates; Propagation Day; Garden News; Report on FJC Rogers Seminar; Membership form; Shows, conferences, plant sales; Your Committee
Oct 22Meetings, Outings & Committee Meetings—Dates; Getting to know your Committee; Outing to Rosemary Buchanan’s ‘patch’ at Edi Upper; From one of our members; Trust for Nature (Victoria); Colour in the Garden this month; Membership form; Shows, conferences, plant sales; Your Committee
Sep 22Meetings, Outings & Committee Meetings—Dates; Your Committee members; President’s Annual Report; This month’s outing directions; Native species seed bank; Colour in the Garden; To keep you occupied; Membership form; Shows, conferences, plant sales and other items
Aug 22Meetings, Outings & Committee Meetings—Dates; Your Committee members; Nomination form for APS Wangaratta Committee positions; APS Wangaratta Membership Application Form for 2022-2023; Program for APS Wangaratta meeting on 25th August 2022; Garden visits; The Chelsea Australian Garden at Olinda; Chimeras; Plant Sports Mutations; To keep you occupied; Did you know? Shows, conferences, plant sales and other items
Jul 22Meetings, Outings & Committee Meetings—Dates; Your Committee members; Nomination form for APS Wangaratta Committee positions; APS Wangaratta Membership Application Form for 2022-2023; APS Victoria nomination form for office bearers and committee positions for 2022-2023; Establishing a Small Garden—John & Joye Podubinski; Farewell to Jill Judd; Getting to know our members—Mike Burston; Fungi Workshop; Soils; Shows, conferences, plant sales and other items
Jun 22
May 22Preview of May outing; Getting to know your Committee – Michael O’Sullivan; “Thank you” from Alan Gibb’s family; March visit to a Gooramadda garden; Eldorado Off-grid Festival
Mar 22Getting to know your Committee – Arthur Meyers; Grevillea cultivar ‘Orange Wow’; Araucaria bidwillii Bunya Bunya Pine; Vale Alan Gibb
Feb 22Getting to know your Committee – Therese Graham; Crab Spider; Common butterflies in the garden; Orchid hunting national research effort; Sustainable gardening; Rice flowers; 25 top Eucalypts; In my garden February – Helen Wrigley
Oct 21Sep Killawarra Forest Outing; What’s the difference between Red Ironbark and Mugga Ironbark?; Banksia serrata; A Satin Bower Bird bower in the van Riet garden; Callistemon ‘Red Rocket’ as a hedge; ; Get to know your Committee – Helen van Riet; why your plant doesn’t look as healthy as it should; Phil Vaughan on soil & drainage
Sep 21Clematis aristata Old Man’s Beard; Best time to plant; Get to know your Committee – Joanne Diver
Aug 21President’s Report; Sustainable Farms & Dam Planting; Sustainable Farms Planting for Pollinators Guide; How do native lawns benefit the environment?; The use of liquid fertiliser; Flowering now Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle; Get to know your Committee – John van Riet; Hakea nodosa – Creating a Safe Habitat
Jun 21The APS Vic June Zoom meeting; May meeting: “What is that Local Plant?”; Get to know your Committee – Rosemary Buchanan; May meeting: Mt Augustus National Park; Dragon Tree Soak Nature Reserve; Dry soil? – Don’t Despair; MIFGS displays; Backyard Conservation; Weedy Acacias; “Blairbush” – My Garden; Neutrog ordering procedure; “Haemodorum is red all over”
May 21March meeting review: Chris Findlay on recreating indigenous landscapes; March APS Vic COMM notes; Austrocallerya, an alternative Australian climber; Kurrajong Bag-moth caterpillars; Get to know your Committee: Gillian Anderson; Neutrog ordering procedure; Eremophila oppositifolia; the McKinnon garden at Eurobin
Mar 21President’s Annual Report for 2019/2020; Report of FIRST meeting in 2021; 1st Mar Propagating day; Spyridium phlebophyllum Dusty Miller; Swainsona formosa Sturt’s Desert Pea; Get to know your Committee – Helen Wrigley
Apr-Jun 20Allocasuarina verticillate – Drooping She-oak; Lemon scented gum Corymbia citriodoria; Visit to Jan Hall’s garden
Feb 20Launch of Helen and Peter Curtis Collection – March into Sustainability; Gum trees with silver-grey foliage
Nov 19Aug AGM; Miriam Ford’s talk on the Lamiaceae family; Aug outing to Mullinmar Billabong; Sep outing to Everton Natural Features Reserve; Bill Aitchison’s Oct talk on Acacias; Oct outing to Barbara Buchanan’s Benalla garden; Nov Nature Day at Apex Park; Chocolate Lilies
Aug 19Jun meeting recap: Chris Tzaros on the Turquoise Parrot Project; Jun Euroa visit: Cathy Powers on moths & butterflies; Aug visit to Helen Wrigley’s garden; Flowers in the Winter Garden: Jan Hall; Banksia integrifolia Roller Coaster Banksia
May 19Off Grid Living Festival stall 4th May; Kaluna and Little Kaluna Parks; The naming of Scaveola brookeana and the life of Sarah Brooks
Feb 19Review of Christmas Gathering; Grevilleas with Neil Marriott; review of our presence in Nov at Wangaratta Urban Landcare Group Nature Day; review of Dec propagating day; Summer pruning – Helen Wrigley; the January Great Plant Out
Nov 18review of Aug AGM; review of Aug outing to Chiltern National Park; review of Sep meeting, Jim Blackney on the Silver Banksia & spring specimen show; review of Sep outing to Anne Ford’s garden; review of Oct meeting with David & Barbara Pye on Melton Botanic Gardens; review of Oct outing to Mt. Buffalo; review of FJC Rogers Seminar
Aug 18review of Jun Hakea night; review of Jul visit to Andrews’ property at Chesney Vale; President’s Annual Report
Jun 18Preview Hakea Night Thursday 28th June; Preparing for the July 26th meeting: The Winter Collection Show & Tell; review of Apr meeting: Ted Brown on growing Dry area plants; review of Apr outing to Glenda & Bernie Datson’s garden at Baranduda; review of May meeting: Royce & Jeanne Raleigh on small flowering plants in their Wartook Garden in the Grampians; Waratahs at Eurobin – Malcolm and Mirella McKinnon