Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

Best Time to Plant Australian Natives

The time to plant natives depends on your climate and the type of plant. Autumn is generally the best time, as it gives the plant time to establish itself before the next summer.

Some areas of Victoria, however, are subject to frosts below 2 degrees C and cold conditions. In these areas it is best to plant in the spring after the cold has abated. Also, some native plants are hardy to cold weather and frosts and hence can be planted in the autumn after reasonable rains have occurred.

Northern Country, Wimmera and Mallee

Rainfall in these areas is below 500mm.
Autumn planting is necessary as the effort to keep frequent moisture up to plants in the summer is time consuming.

Slopes of the Great Divide and adjacent ranges

Winter can be very cold and only the hardiest of new plants will survive.
Spring planting is recommended as the summers are usually cooler and there is normally more moisture available over a larger part of the year.

Melbourne (most), coastal areas, adjacent uplands, and East Gippsland

The climate is usually milder throughout the year.
Plant autumn through to the end of spring.

If unsure consult your local APS District Group, native nursery, or look to when native plant sales are on in your area as this is a good indication of the best time to plant.