Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants
Have you ever wondered about those brightly coloured mushrooms you saw on walks, or in your backyard or even in the lawn? Fungus forms beneficial associations with over 90% of all plants worldwide. What do they do? How are they named? Been scared to ask, but had no one to ask anyway?
Fungi are little understood but they are everywhere. I will show you all the different types of fungus and describe the major role they perform in the environment. Find out about rings and veils, earthstars, stinkhorns and caterpillar murderers.
I have been a bushwalker with a camera for over 50 years. I had to wait over 20 years to find out what some of my photos were called, you only have to wait till next meeting. Here are a couple of photos to whet your attitude. One is a weed brought in to help the dreaded pine trees grow better; the other smells worse than rotting meat. Come along and find out which is which.