APS Melton Bacchus Marsh Plant Sale
St Andrew’s Uniting Church Car Park Gisborne Rd, Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, AustraliaFor more details from David Pye, ph 0417 289 369.
Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants
For more details from David Pye, ph 0417 289 369.
Speaker Timetable Saturday 21st SepSunday 22nd Sep10:30amNeil MarriottWAMA and plants endemic to the GrampiansNeil MarriottWAMA and plants endemic to the Grampians12:00pmClarence SlockeeHow to grow bush foods in containersClarence SlockeeMy top 10 favourite edible native plants02:00pmJulie WeatherheadCreating a Native Pantry: growing and cooking with Australian native foodsJulie WeatherheadCreating a Native Pantry: growing and cooking with Australian […]
Wildflower display, indigenous plant sales, art show and painting sales.
Specialist native plant nurseries,books, garden accessories and more.
Wide range of plants, plant list available one week before sale.