This Seminar was held on the 20th and 21st October 2018 at the Holy Trinity Lutheran School, Trinity Drive Horsham, Victoria.
[tabs slidertype=”top tabs”] [tabcontainer] [tabtext]Program[/tabtext] [tabtext]Keynote Speaker[/tabtext] [tabtext]Glorious Goodeniaceae[/tabtext] [tabtext]Newsletters[/tabtext][tabtext]Seminar Audio[/tabtext][tabtext]Videos[/tabtext][/tabcontainer] [tabcontent] [tab]
Friday 19th October 2018
Holy Trinity Lutheran College, 25 Trinity Drive, Horsham
Check In – Registrants must check in first before purchasing plants/books etc
Plant sales – Plants will only be sold to those who are wearing their Seminar ID
Book Sales – Books will only be sold to those who are wearing their Seminar ID
Tea and coffee available
8:00pm: Closure of Check In, Plant Sales and Book Sales
Saturday 20th October 2018
Holy Trinity Lutheran College, 25 Trinity Drive, Horsham
7:45am: Check In
– If Registrants haven’t checked in the previous evening they must check in prior to purchasing plants/books etc
– Plant Sales to 8:25am. Plants will only be sold to those who are wearing their Seminar ID
8:30am: Welcome
9:00am Keynote Speaker, Dr Kelly Shepherd – Molecules, Morphology and Classification: understanding old and new relationships within the family Goodeniaceae
10:00am Morning Tea
10:30am Neville Walsh – A wander around Victorian Goodeniaceae
11:30am Hazel Dempster – Unearthing the Horticultural Treasures within Goodeniaceae
12:30pm Presentation 13th FJC Rogers Seminar 2020
12:40pm Lunch and Plant Sales to 1:25pm
1:30pm Rodger & Gwen Elliot – Goodeniaceae for the Garden, Pots and Containers
2:30pm Brendan Lepschi – Your time would be better spent digging holes – taxonomy, plant names, and why nothing ever stays the same
3:30pm Afternoon Tea, Plant Sales to 4:30pm
4:00pm Optional: Visit garden of Mabel Brouwer, 2A Weldon Power Court, Horsham
6:00pm Dinner
Water, tea and coffee available. BYO other drinks.
7:00pm After Dinner Speaker, Dr Kelly Shepherd – From the farmyard to fan-flowers and forensics?
Sunday 21st October 2018
Plenty of car parking in the Mibus Centre Car Park, 24 McLachlan Street, Horsham
Coach Tour includes morning/afternoon teas and lunch
BYO Water bottle/s, sunscreen, sunhat or raincoat
8:30 am Check in and board coach at Mibus Centre Car Park, 24 McLachlan Street Horsham
9:00am Leave Mibus Centre Car Park, 24 McLachlan Street Horsham
Visit the gardens of:
Wartook Gardens, Royce & Jeanne Raleigh – morning tea and plant sales
Grannes Garden, Glenda & Greg Lewin – lunch
Panrock Ridge, Neil & Wendy Marriott – afternoon tea and plant sales
5:00pm Arrive Horsham
BYO Water bottle/s, sunscreen, sunhat or raincoat
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Keynote speaker Dr Kelly Ann Shepherd
Dr Kelly Shepherd is a Senior Research Scientist based at the Western Australian Herbarium. She is a taxonomist currently working on a range of plant groups in Western Australia, focusing on naming and describing new species of conservation concern. Her primary research interests include the systematics of the ‘salt-loving’ samphires in the subfamily Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae) and the genera Lasiopetalum and Thomasia (Malvaceae). She provides expert taxonomic identification of species within the genera Sarcocornia and Tecticornia (including the former genera Halosarcia, Sclerostegia, Pachycornia and Tegicornia).
Kelly is also currently involved in a large molecular phylogenetic study based on both nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences project using plant DNA to determine evolutionary relationships in the fan-flower family Goodeniaceae in collaboration with researchers in the United States .
Kelly is an ‘approved botanist’ within the meaning of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1981. This role involves the forensic examination of plants for a variety of purposes, including the identification of Cannabis on behalf of the WA Police.
- plant taxonomy, systematics, phylogenetics, morphology, cytology and anatomy.
- Identification of Australian species of Sarcocornia and Tecticornia.
- Desktopping Editor for Nuytsia — Western Australia’s Journal of Systematic Botany
Brief CV
Doctor of Philosophy, School of Plant Biology, The University of Western Australia, 2005.
Thesis title: A Systematic Analysis of the Australian Salicornioideae (Chenopodiaceae).
Bachelor or Science (Botany/Zoology) Honours. The University of Western Australia, 1992.
Thesis title: Faecal Analysis of Mammalian Herbivores in the Perup Forest, Western Australia.
Senior Research Scientist Western Australian Herbarium, Sep 2009 – to date.
Project: Taxonomic resolution and description of new plant species in Western Australia.
Research Scientist Western Australian Herbarium, Aug 2006 – Aug 2009.
Project ‘Saving our Species’ Biodiversity Conservation Initiative – Resolution and description of new plant species in the Yilgarn ironstone and Ravensthorpe Range areas subject to mining interest.
Postdoctoral Research Fellow UK Millennium Seed Bank (based at Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority), Jan 2006 – Aug 2006.
Project: Seed dormancy research focusing on Australian species with undifferentiated embryos.
Research Scientist The University of Western Australia and Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, Aug 2004 – Dec 2005.
Project: A molecular phylogenetic analysis of the Goodeniaceae, with particular focus on Scaevola and Lechenaultia
Taxonomic resolution and description of new plant species, particularly from areas subject to mining in Western Australia.
Systematics of the genus Tecticornia and the family Goodeniaceae.

[Contact details and a full list of publications are available from:] [Some publications can be downloaded from:]
Current list of Goodeniaceae publications
Shepherd K.A., Wege J.A. & Jabaily R.S. (2017). (2526) Proposal to conserve the name Goodenia (Goodeniaceae) with a conserved type. Taxon 66(3): 757–758.
Gardner A.G., Fitzgerald J.N., Menz J., Shepherd K.A., Howarth D.G., Jabaily R.S. (2016). Characterizing Floral Symmetry in the Core Goodeniaceae with Geometric Morphometrics. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0154736. doi:10.1371/journal.
Gardner A.G., Sessa E.B., Michener P., Johnson E., Shepherd K.A., Howarth D.G. & Jabaily R.S. (2016). Utilizing next-generation sequencing to resolve the backbone of the Core Goodeniaceae and inform future taxonomic and floral form studies. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 94: 605–617.
Shepherd K.A., Hislop M. (2014). Scaevola xanthina (Goodeniaceae), a new yellow-flowered species from the south coast of Western Australia. Nuytsia 24: 95–99.
Jabaily R.S., Shepherd K.A., Gardner A.G., Gustafsson M.H.G., Howarth D.G. & Motley T.J. (2014). Historical Biogeography of the Predominantly Australian Plant Family Goodeniaceae. Journal of Biogeography 41(11): 2057–2067. doi:10.1111/jbi.12363
Jabaily R.S., Shepherd K.A., Gustafsson M.H.G., Sage L.W., Krauss S.L., Howarth D.G. & Motley T.J. (2012). Systematics of the Austral-Pacific Family Goodeniaceae – Establishing a Taxonomic and Evolutionary Framework. Taxon 61: 419–436.

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‘Glorious Goodeniaceae’
by Neil Marriott
How many of you have been blown away by the spectacular blue of a healthy Lechenaultia biloba, the famous ‘Blue Lechenaultia’ from Western Australia? Or how many of you have been in awe at the superb ‘Wreath Lechenaultia’ Lechenaultia macrantha growing on the sides of outback roads in the Mulga belt of WA?Closer to home we have the beautiful displays put on by our wonderful ‘Fan Flowers’, particularly Scaevola aemula or ‘Purple Fanfare’. These are just three of the many hundreds of exciting members of the Goodeniaceae family, and at the 12th FJC Rogers Seminar in October 2018 you will be able to learn all about these wonderful plants, and how we can all grow them.

Neil Marriott
October 20-21st 2018
The Seminar is being run by both the Grampians APS Group and the Wimmera Growers of Australian Plants. Put the dates of October 20-21st 2018 into your diaries now, as this will prove to be one of the very best seminars yet. Not only will we have experts to tell us all about the science of the family, we will also have renowned horticulturalists, whom will help us learn how to grow these beauties in our gardens.

Neil Marriott
We will also learn all about the Type genus Goodenia and how it is widespread all over most of Australia. Most of us know our local Goodenias, particularly the common ‘Hop Goodenia’ Goodenia ovata but how many of us know that even here in Victoria we have a beautiful pink flowered Goodenia? This is the rare Goodenia macmillanii found in a number of limited sites in south Gippsland. In WA there are even superb blue flowered Goodenia species that we will learn about and hopefully be able to purchase for our gardens!! We will also learn about strange genera such as Coopernookia, Anthotium, Velleia and many more.

Neil Marriott
Goodeniaceae Plants for Sale
An exciting feature of the 2018 FJC Rogers Seminar will be the sale of a large range of seldom available Goodeniaceae tubestock being grown by members of the Grampians and Wimmera APS groups. It will be worth registering simply to be able to buy some of these wonderful plants. If readers are growing any rare or unusual members of the Goodeniaceae family we would love to hear from you -you may be able to help us with plant material to propagate for sale at the weekend.
Goodeniaceae Photo Guides
Another really exciting feature of the 2018 seminar will be the provision of a series of botanical photo guides on inland Goodeniaceae, WA Goodeniaceae and SE Australian Goodeniaceae. These will be provided to all registrants on their very own USB stick, or for a little more, as a printed copy for those who prefer this option.
Spectacular Gardens full of Goodeniaceae
On the Saturday we will have a wonderful day of lectures and discussions, followed by a great evening dinner and talk on Goodeniaceae at the lovely Lutheran School hall in Horsham. On Sunday we will be visiting some of the best native gardens in the state, where we will see many of the superb members of the Goodeniaceae family being grown to perfection. Come along and have a superb weekend hosted by two of our most enthusiastic APS groups. To register your interest in attending the 2018 Goodeniaceae seminar please provide your name and contact details to: or phone 03 5383 6200 and we will keep you up to date with progress.
[tab]Edition | Contents |
Sep | Last opportunity to register! – Closes 1 October 2018; Programme details; Gardens, Wetlands and Nursery to Visit; Genera of the Family Goodeniaceae; Registration form |
Aug | Committee member profiles; What to Do and See in Our Region; Registration form |
Jul | Panrock Ridge, Garden of Neil and Wendy Marriott; Peter Hilbig – Master of Ceremonies; Glenda Lewin – Master of Ceremonies; Book Stall; Registration form |
Jun | Early Bird Discount closes 30 June 2018; The Brouwer Garden, Horsham; Grannes Garden, Stawell; Plant Sale update |
May | Brendan Lepschi speaker profile; Royce & Jeanne Raleigh’s garden at Wartook; Still Seeking Photos for Photo-guides |
Apr | Proposed Coach Tour – Garden Visits; Registrations are now open; Hazel Dempster presentation on Unearthing the Horticultural Treasures within Goodeniaceae; Rodger and Gwen Elliot presentation on Goodeniaceae for the Garden, Pots and Containers |
Mar | Purchasing Goodeniaceae plants; Registrations opening 1st April; Call for more photos of NSW, Qld, SA and NT and lesser known Goodeniaceae species; Dr Kelly Shepherd & Neville Walsh speaker profiles; Accommodation update; The Story Behind The Logo; Registration Details |
Feb | Welcome, Organising Committee, Dates, Venue for Sat 20 Oct 2018, Registrations, Plant Sales, Wanted – Photos for Photo-guides, Accommodation, Genera of the Family Goodeniaceae |
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Wartook Gardens