Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

SGAP Shepparton & District

MeetingsContacts & MembershipNewsletters

Meets at 8pm on the second Tuesday of the month, February to May, August, October and November.
In June, July, September and December, excursions to display gardens, etc.

Venue: Shepparton Vision Centre, Channel Rd, Shepparton (Shepparton Men’s Shed meals room) Google map link

Upcoming events for Shepparton

Membership page – to join or renew

Leader: Carolyn Edwards
Secretary: Jenny Polinelli   5825 4210  Send email

56 Dawe Rd, Murrabit Vic. 3579

Edition Contents
Jan-Mar 25
Jul-Sep 24
Jan-Mar 24
Sep-Nov 23
Aug-Oct 22
May-Jul 22Plants of Baglin Reserve and Collins Walk; April excursion to Shepparton Art Museum
Feb 22Euroa arboretum; Nov COMM; Gloria’s Frankston Garden; Eucalyptus torquate x E. woodwardii
Sep 21July visit to Kensington Gardens; August AGM; Dendrobrum tetragonum Tree Spider Orchid; Rhodanthe display; Carolyn & John’s Far North Queensland Tropical Holiday
Jun-Aug 21Warrnambool Quarterly Weekend; Gargarro Botanic Gardens March outing; Kinniards Wetlands at Numurkah April outing
Mar-May 21Yackatoon Garden Visit; Brachyscome Iberidifolia; Anigozanthos Maintenance; Xmas Get-Together; Ausrtalian Botanic Gardens Shepparton; June COMM
Sep-Nov 20Broken-Boosey State Park; Vale Mal Erskine; Nov mtg & Dec Xmas break-up
May-Jul 20Hypocalymna Xanthopetalum Golden Flowered Myrtle; Tips on Growing Eucalypts from Seed; Membership due in June
Feb-Apr 20Shepparton Show; Xmas break-up; Blue Lotus Water Garden at Yarra Junction
Oct-Dec 19review of visit to APS Strathbogie Ranges and Geoff Lay on Fungi; Aug AGM; review of Tahbilk Winery Eco Walk
Jul-Sep 19Review of May visit to Australian Botanic Gardens, Shepparton; May visit to Girgarre Botanic Gardens; Geelong/Colac visit; Xanthorrhoea Gluca
May-Jun 19Review of Mar meeting: Chris Long on Boronia oil and Apr meeting: Marg Clarke on local birds; APS Vic Neutrog arrangement; preview of May & June outings
Feb-Apr 19Review of Oct meeting: Carolyn Edwards on her trip to the Kimberley; Carolyn and Margaret collect five prizes at Shepparton Show; review of Nov meeting: Laurie Baglan on the importance of the type of pots we use for cuttings and potting; Xmas at the Peppermill; Australia Day Certificates of Appreciation for Laurie Baglin & Barb and Roger Collins; Dubai Miracle Gardens
Oct 18Gloria’s Farewell; Dookie Visit in Aug; Kialla Garden Visit