Join Us
The Australian Plants Society (Victoria) has about 1400 members in 29 District Groups spread across the state.
We are also a full voting member of ANPSA – The Australian Native Plants Society (Australia), the country’s largest horticultural society.
We’d love you to be part of our group and participate in our vision.
There are many great reasons to join!
♦ District Group Activities
Monthly meetings are held throughout the year, typically featuring an expert speaker or hands-on workshop, a specimen table of flowers currently in bloom and a question and answer session where members help one another with practical advice relevant to local conditions.
Many Groups have a lending library with books covering topics ranging from garden design and plant identification to the selection and cultivation of native plants.
♦ Garden visits and bush walks throughout the year, provide an opportunity to view how plants of interest grow in your local area.
♦ Community plant sales of stock propagated by members feature in the program of many Groups.
♦ Weekend Gatherings are occasionally held in conjunction with Committee of Management quarterly meetings at different locations across Victoria. They are an opportunity to explore topics in greater depth than at a monthly meeting and view local plants and gardens.
♦ Study Groups – for the specialist
If you are already a fan of a particular genus of Australian native plant, garden design, bush foods, bonsai, or a host of other topics, one of our Study Groups will cater for your needs. Whether it’s banksias, ferns, indigenous orchids, eucalypts or eremophilas, to name just a few, there’s a group of people who share your interest.
Membership Benefits
♦ Mix with like-minded people
Share your passion for Australian plants.
♦ Knowledge sharing
Green Finger or Brown Thumb – there’s always help on hand.
♦ “Growing Australian” magazine
50+ pages of articles and colour photographs on topics ranging from Australian native plants for making garden hedges, to building a garden pond, reviews of the latest books on native plants, and much more.
♦ “Australian Plants” magazine
APS Vic members can subscribe to the ANPSA national magazine Australian Plants (4 editions per annum) for $15. The magazine will be included in the mailing of Growing Australian.
♦ Group newsletters
Read about native plants, gardening issues and events specific to your local area.
♦ Free native plant seed
Choose up to 24 packets of seed per year from the member’s seed bank. 100’s of species available.
♦ Books at members’ rates
Purchases by mail order or in person at Quarterly Gatherings.
♦ Neutrog Fertiliser products
Members of participating District Groups can also buy Neutrog products through the Neutrog online store at special member prices, which are much lower than retail prices.
♦ Website
Access the members-only section of the website.
♦ Public liability insurance
Public liability insurance coverage through a Society-financed insurance policy.
How to Join
To obtain the greatest benefit from an APS membership, we encourage you to join one (or more) District Groups. With 29 local district groups across Victoria, there is sure to be one near you. For information on whom to contact for membership, where they are located, and when they meet → Check out our list of District Groups.
We also offer Lone Memberships if you are unable to join a District Group.
To apply, print a Membership Application and follow the instructions on the form.

The Australian Plants Society (Victoria) is dedicated to: