Australian Plants Society (Victoria)

Promoting the Appreciation and Preservation of Australian Plants

APS Mitchell Meeting

Guest speaker: Melissa Stagg – Topic: Euroa Arb, seed collecting & small garden design.

APS Maroondah Meeting

Ringwood East Elderly Citizens’ Hall 2-8 Laurence Grove, Ringwood East, VIC, Australia


APS Victoria COM Meeting – Zoom

Pomonal Hall Pomonal community Hall, 3360 Ararat Halls Gap Rd. Pomonal, Victoria, Australia

No longer hosted by APS Grampians due to covid.

Open Garden, Wartook

Wartook Gardens 2866 Northern Grampians Rd, Wartook, Wartook, Victoria, Australia

Wartook Gardens – Open Days for Wimmera Healthcare Foundation. BBQ lunch, morning and afternoon teas available.